The Top 10 Funniest Dance Shirts For Women

The Top 10 Funniest Dance Shirts For Women

We all love to dance but did you know it is a great way to workout as well? Dance exercise routines have been around since the 80's, but they have evolved into the modern day Zumba, Barre, Pole dancing and ballet that many women to sneak in their workout on a daily basis. Whether you are dancing with pace or holding poses with pointed toes, these 10 shirts were designed with you in mind!


1.   Dance School Dropout

We all remember the days of dance as a kid, maybe you didn't stick with it, but come back in style!



2.  I Pole Dance Because You Should Always Have A Backup Plan

You need to keep your options open ladies.


3.  Dancers Are Always On Pointe

Point the toes is a common theme in all dance, remind yourself in this tank.


4. These Aren't Bruises They're Pole Kisses

Pole dancing is a contact sport. Get ahead of the situation and explain the bruises.


5. Barre Hair Don't Care

We love this whole outfit, but let's focus on the shirt. Worry about your hair after class.



6. Point Your Fucking Toes

This goes with #3 but says it with a little more passion. Point the toes!



7. Yes I Pole Dance But No I Don't Need Your Money

We pole dance for exercise, not for the creeps. Tell them to keep their money.



8. My Happiest Hour Is At The Barre

For the girl that loves to go to Barre and then hit happy hour after. 


9. Dance Party Starter

If music breaks out, you need to get this party started.



10. Dance Hair Don't Care

Goes with #5, for girls that dance but maybe not Barre.



Dance Related Items

Mesh-merizing Voodoo Leggings

Comfortable, stylish with a practical mesh cut out. Here a picture of a CVG customer in action with the leggings.  



YASSSS Headband

Headbands keep the messy hair in place and the perspiration off the face. We love this because YASSS



Tropical Summer Shorts

Sometimes leggings are just too hot and the legs need to be exposed. These Tropical Summer Shorts are super comfortable and offer a high waist band for freedom of movement. 



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